venerdì 12 gennaio 2018

PETITION (V): The only authority that has the power to bring clarity and justice is Minister Phan Binh Minh - Gemiliana Millana Assorgia

Subscribe to the petition for Gemiliana Assorgia. Victim of Italian diplomacy in Vietnam

Kind Minister Phan Binh Minh,

One more time I turn to you in the hope that particular attention and clarity will be welcomed in this inhuman story. I’ve found myself protagonist, victim of silent repeated abuses coordinated in Your country. Subsequently and at this moment, over the limits of the folly also procrastinated out of Vietnam. This regrettable context has ruined and is ruining my reputation but above all that Your country too, in deplorable and ashamed way. I feel that you will determine the end of these diplomatic dissonances

The story is all Italian, our diplomacy trying in a very deplorable way to avoid to admit their mistakes, in compulsory way it coordinates knowledge’s and resources in your country in obsolete way and not at all transparent, instead of fighting the sore of corruption it extends in enough clear way, it plainly portrays the wrong impression of dangerous Vietnam. To the eyes of so many friends and acquaintances (all over the world) that follow my case, it seems, that in Vietnam the institutions such as the police are unreliable. It seems that a victims of an aggression (it could happen in whatever part of the world) can't find justice , that there is no way for the aggressor to be punished and that the victim cannot obtain any compensation for the damages unintentionally suffered. That this may serve as an example to prevent similar cases; with the awareness of punishment one would avoid ill intentions.

Unfortunately, despite my deep love for your country I have had to face and to suffer the most awful aspect, corruption, the one your government so untiringly fights every day, for which it seemed to me to understand to be safe in your country. Unfortunately the Italian diplomacy guest in your country has decided to ignore completely your directives and politics in a very worrisome way, that's why I feel to have fought a brave resistance in Vietnam, for my honor and accordingly for yours.

After thirteen months of distressing resistance, looking for in vain in the labyrinthine actions of the officials, to dispatch my reports, I have been seized and deprived of my Sacred Freedom.

The 07-11-2017 (please see the video: / YcOunLrbLoU)

against my wish, I have been forcibly brought away by numerous police officers of immigration from the airport Noi Bay-Hanoi (you should ask CCTV to understand the entity of the event), I have received a treatment as if I were a terrorist criminal, confined in the Center of Social Protection" - Address: village Dong Dau, common Duc Tu, district Dong Anh, Hanoi

Do I apologize for my curiosity, but spontaneously a logical question arise in my head, have You ever been informed about this case? After all these months in my opinion it seems quite unlikely that none of your officials or colleagues have ignored or worse hidden my case, therefore from my point of view it seems very strange that you don't know anything about my case, considering the hundreds of videos broadcast for months on internet and the petition ( ) and active from months and with around 800 signatory.

During my detention, many Italian have joined me in my question for clarification and called the Farnesina which punctually replied that your police held me in detention because found unprovided of Visa. Absolutely false, we have discovered then to be the embassy of Italy to have signed the papers for my forced detention, as it will be easy to find out in the so many e-mails send to the Farnesina (see below Paulo Goncales for example), the 7 of December they affirmed that I was in good health and that they waited for the decision of the police for me to be allowed to leave the country.
1) I would like to stress that I never have expressed the desire or the request, verbally or written of to leave the country before formulating and delivered my reports against the abuses (violations human rights) inflicted to me by the Italian diplomacy in Vietnam.2) Since the first day of detention to the center of deportation Tan Dao, I went on hunger strike as a form of protest, also because in those sad moments I felt necessary the priority to meet the police and to learn the reasons for this second detention, of which nobody showed document of personal identification, written documents related to the case of my forced detention.The guard (Can Bo) Nguyen Duc Han, police's officers Nguyen Monh Cuong 086-701 and Tan Van Luong, can confirm my statement as they asked me several times the reasons for my fasting. I have also written a letter, I have delivered it to Nguyen Mon Cuong the 8th of December, in which I confirmed my request to meet the police that I reported my kidnapping to. It seams that that letter got completely ignored, as I’ve never received brave answer.
I’ve been held in this center, a horrible place!, I am a good person, a criminal is different from the type of essence that governs my entity! Has there surely been an error, have you exchanged me for a criminal, or it seem you wish to make me appear as such for a goal that justify the means?

During and after this live video testimony (,

of the 27-11-17 live I have been assaulted. The video have been eliminated by my profile Facebook, who has removed the video? WHY?'
In the following hours of the same day I have been beaten day and the night, moreover I have been humiliated and drugged against my wish.

On the 1st December 2017 I have refused to be put forcibly on an airplane for Paris (you should ask the CCTVs of the airport Noi Bay among 22:30 and her 24:00) they have held me the whole night handcuffed in the reception of a building of the police of immigration in the center of Hanoi . The following morning I have been conducted to the Deportation Camp Tan Dao Holston - center of deportation n1, general department n 8, of the office of the police, in Vinh Phuc, till the 14-12-2017, on this day came to pick up me six police officers from the immigration office (4 in plain clothes and two in uniform), they have beaten me, handcuffed and hidden on the bottom of the car-van to hide me to the eyes of the people inside other cars little distant along the journey toward the hospital in the center of Hanoi. In this center I have been drugged and held the whole day under total anesthesia. The awakening around the 8 in the evening has been terribly shocking, still stunned they have dressed me, put a diaper for adult and brought me to a building next to the airport where a lot of people have met of which only one in uniform of immigration police. In this circumstance a nurse gave me 3 injections in both harms, subsequently they have brought me in the airport on a wheelchair (still it will be' easy to check on the the CCTVs records) to embark me on the flight Vietnam Airlines VN19 for Paris to the 23:05 still held in handcuffs, however all hidden by a blanket.

I have traveled for the whole time handcuffed (as a convicted felon or a terrorist) which have been removed only at the arrival to Paris in presence of French police officers that attended our arrival to the doors of the airplane.

Since then I look for concrete assistance from the Italian diplomacy which absolutely denies, so proving their involvement in the kidnapping of which I have been victim by the hands of some corrupted police officers in your country, that to this day they go unpunished for preventing to apply the inalienable right to illustrate in the detail the case to prove my accusations.
Kind Minister Phan Binh Minh, You are the only one that is able to put a end to this absurd situation, I trust you want justice to triumph and to restore the Honor of your country for the which I want to continue to believe and prove to the world, that the trust in Vietnamese land is well founded.

This deplorable situation by now is well known all over the world, and despite “they” tried in all ways to discredit me, as you well know the Truth' can be manipulated distorted but cannot be changed, cannot be stopped . Your prompt intervention will help to avoid the serious consequences (caused by the responsible subjects that will be legally pursued) that implicate accordingly a bad reputation of your country, what I also find absolutely unfair because' these corrupt police officers are not representative of the untiring job that you are bringing ahead for the safety of the tourists in your marvelous country.

These criminals taking advantage of yours  innumerable appointments and commitments, dear Minister, they have tried everything so that I could not communicate to you the brutal events, of the violent actions perpetrated  in the previous months behind your back and therefore to the reputation of your country.

It is important that you are informed that on Friday' 10-11-2017 I received visit from an important position of the police, accompanied by a young man out of uniform of which affirmed to be his assistant and an interpreter of Italian language. According to him it was an informal visit, his invitation was for me to leave the country spontaneously, or they would have brought me to prison. He manifested to have understood the discomfort for the aggression suffered, but that unfortunately being in overstay it made me a "criminal", and that I would have had to consider impossible to confer with you minister. He invited me to leave the country, buy a ticket for wherever I wanted to go , and that I would have been according to him welcome to return anytime to make my reports.
I explained that in doing so, both your country and you minister would have resulted dishonored. I have written him a letter by hand where I accepted to leave the country spontaneously and that I would have NOT report none of the local authorities' involved, at the only condition that I would have been able to personally dispatch my reports to you in order to ensure so that that both our honors would have been restored. He left the center promising that he would have notified You of the content of the letter and then let me know. Unfortunately nobody from that police department showed up again.

The following Friday 17-11-2017 I have received a visit from the immigration police officer Miss. Nguyen Thi Hoa 003-526 accompanied by her superior of whom I have not succeeded in taking the name (which was present without uniform the day of my sequestration, both in the hospital and at the meeting where they drugged me before putting me on the airplane), they said that You Minister had refused my request to be able to make my reports and that you wanted to let me know that I was NOT welcome in Vietnam because I was embarrassing the good name of Italy of which you are good friends and for which gave unconditional trust.
I kindly ask you confirmation of these embarrassing affirmations. These police officers say to be sent by you, I have some doubt, I have never believed, I believe that you have the right and the duty to punish these corrupted officers who take such liberties, giving the impression that you are interested only in your diplomatic friendships, forgetting the importance of the single individuals who love your country and they respect it very much, more than certain "spoiled and dangerous" diplomats that also in order to save their place of employment are also prepared (disguising poor bulling practices ) to arrive to extreme remedies as the ignoble actions that have practiced dishonoring our human nature, and insulting my humble intelligence.

Now many people wonder if Vietnam is safe, if finding themselves in my same situation their country would have behaved with the same modus inhumanly applied towards me. BUT the main point will be always the same: how will Vietnam behave when an aggression is verified as that of which I have been victim of? And what will be done to that diplomatic who instead of cooperating with the politics of the government they will prefer to make accords “under table” with the corrupt local officials?

The Italian diplomacy has done all possible to give the impression that if they have taken accords with the local police it was a choice forced by the uses and customs of the country, denying the great job that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has done putting into place bringing forward anti-corruption policies.

Yours faithfully,
Gemiliana Millana Assorgia


E-mail sent by Paulo Gonçalves to the URP (Public Relations Office) asking  for explanations about my detention in the Social Prevention Center, my health and safety about the video of the attack following the seizure of my electronic devices.

Dear colleagues,
It is now almost a month since I first wrote to you with regard to the detention in Vietnam of Ms Gemiliana Assorgia who was, with the knowledge and collaboration of the Italian consular authorities in Hanoi, taken to the following address where she has been illegally detained, without legal assistance and without charge: - Social Protection Center, Dong Dau hamlet, Duc Tu commune, Dong Anh district, Hanoi, It has now been over six days that we are without any news from Gemiliana, and the last video ( posted by her on Facebook showed her being assaulted by a staff member at the above center.
We continue to be concerned at the lack of intervention and response from the Italian authorities and seriously concerned about her wellbeing and safety as she has now completely disappeared.

I would be grateful if you could provide assurances as to Ms Assorgia's safety and, more importantly, information regarding her current situation, her whereabouts and how she might be contacted so that assistance might be offered to her and her safety confirmed.
In fact, it would be in the interests of the Italian authorities to avoid the continued evolution of the scandal and growing international interest regarding this situation. I can reassure you that myself and her friends will not rest or forget until we are reassured of her safety and she has been freed and restored to safety.

I thank you in advance for your kind assistance and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,
Paulo Goncalves


Response from the URP.
It should be noted that they OMITTED  that I had been transferred to the Tan Dao deportation camp, said I was in good health. Absolutely FALSE, since I refused to eat from the first day of detention in isolation, my priority was to ask to intercede with the police.
They also claimed to be waiting for confirmation from the police to 'allow me' to leave the country. I want to clarify that I have never asked to leave the country, much less to repatriate as the Consulate General of Italy in Paris now affirms.

From: URP - Noreply
Posted: Thursday 7 December 2017 20:28
To: crm4queque
Subject: Paulo Goncalves, Other

Name: Paulo
Surname: Goncalves
Citizenship: Portugal
Country of residence: United Kingdom
City of residence: London
Address: United Kingdom
Topic: Other

Dear Mr Goncalves,
thank you for contacting our Office again.
Please, be reassured that the Embassy of Italy in Hanoi, in close cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, continues to assist Mrs. Assorgia, providing the basic necessities for living in the center where she is in.
Mrs. Assorgia is in good health.
We are waiting for a decision by the Vietnamese authorites allowing her to leave the country.
Yours sincerely,
Lucia Gidoni
Office for Relations with the Public

Sign the petition to help Gemiliana obtain justice for all Italians abroad

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